Transport to Boquete

If you’re coming to Boquete you need to pass through David first, luckily there’s a lot of options for you to get to Boquete. Let us know and we will organize transportation for you. Once you’re in Boquete It takes less than 10 minutes to walk from the hotel to central downtown. transportation available upon request (Taxi)


From Panama City to David, it takes approx 7 hours and the price it’s around $20 per person. Buses leave every hour from 6 am to 7pm, with two express options at 9pm and 10pm.

To David to Boquete the buses leave every 30min approx, and it takes them 45min to an hour to get to town, they leave you in the principal street which is close to the hotel. The price it’s around $1.75.


Taxi from Enrique Malek Airport in David to The Haven hotel takes approx 40min and the price it’s usually $35 for 2 people. For a group the prices can vary.

Taxi from The Haven to the center of Boquete is $2, prices can change a little especially at night.


There’s two companies that fly from the city to David, Copa Airlines and Air Panama. The flight takes 1 hour. there’s usually one flight in the morning and one in the afternoon. The prices and schedules change, we recommend you check online what is available at the time of your visit.